sinner, more than others and before all; but most merciful and Almighty God, who hast pity on all sinners, suffer me not to be a stranger to Thy mercies. Rather do Thou, O Lord, King of Kings, who settest the way of life and appointest the means of correction, give unto me the spirit of my calling. Create in me a mind that seeks Thee, that desires Thee, that loves Thee above all else, who art everywhere, three Persons in one God. Make me to fear Thee, and to do Thy will.
Earnestly therefore I beg Thee, Lord God Almighty, who art blessed and glorious through all ages, that Thou wilt deign to grant Thy mercy unto all those who are commemorated in my prayers, and to those who have commended themselves to me, as also to those to whom I am bound by any duty of charity or claim of affection. Aid those who are my neighbours or relations, whether living or dead, that they may not perish for ever. Grant therefore to all Christians who are living Thy help, and to the dead pardon and everlasting rest
Also, and this I most earnestly beg of Thee, O Lord, who art the Alpha and Omega, that when my day shall come Thou wilt show Thyself a just judge against the malice of my accuser the devil,