Page:Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma.djvu/220

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appointed ambassador to China, 14-17: reception, and journey through the interior, 17-19: return journey and shipwreck by the way, 19, 20: appointed Governor-General of India, 22; views on judicial reform in India, 41: starts non-regulation system for newly occupied territory, 42: financial difficulties, 44: efforts for irrigation, 44, 45: refused to suppress satí, 48: arrival in India, 52, 53: visits Murshidábad, 59-61: declares war against the Burmese, 78, 79: does not want to annex territory, 82: letter on Gen. Morrison, 103: wishes to maintain balance of power between Burma and Siam, 112: personal danger in Mutiny at Barrackpur, 152: notified of intended recall, 155: indignation at Calcutta, 156, 157: recall withdrawn, 157: Wellington's letter on his behaviour, 159-161: his simple demeanour, 1 73: his state, 174: sends in his resignation, 176: his tour in the Upper Provinces, 176-199: visits—Bhágalpur, 176: Gházípur, 177: Benares, 177, 178: Rámnagar, 178, 179: Mírzápur, 179: Allahábád, 179, 180: Fatehpur, 180: Cawnpur, 180, 181: Lucknow, 181: Soron, 181: Agra, 182: Fatehpur Síkri, 187: Bhartpur, 187: Díg, Muttra and Brindában, 188: Firozpur, 189: Delhi, 192-196: Subáthu, 197, 198: residence at Simla, 199-203: created an earl, 201, 202: thanked by the Court of Directors, 202: journey from Simla to Calcutta, 203-206: departure from Calcutta, 207: return to England 208: latter days, 209.

Amherst, town in Tenasserim, called after Lord Amherst, 126.

Amherstia Nobilis, tree called after Lady Amherst, 177.

Arakan, conquered by the Burmese, 70: difficulties caused by Arakanese exiles and Burmese pretensions, 70-74: invaded by Maha Bandúla, 91: invasion of, by Gen. Morrison, 101, 102: conquest of, 103, 104: ceded to the Company by treaty of Yandabu, 125.

Arakan, City (Mro-Haung), taken by Morrison, 102.

Assam, conquered by the Burmese, 75: welcomed the English, 90: Burmese driven out of, 99: ceded to the Company by treaty of Yandabu, 125.

Baiza Bái, favourite wife of Daulat Ráo Sindhia, 188-191.

Bájí Ráo, the last Peshwá, described, 63: visits Amherst at Allahabad, 180.

Baldeo Singh, Rájá of Bhartpur, invokes Ochterlony's recognition of his son, and dies, 133.

Balwant Singh, Rájá of Bhartpur, dethroned by his uncle Durjan Sál, 133: placed on the throne after capture of Bhartpur, 146: receives Amherst, 187.

Bánda, Nawáb of, visits Amherst at Allahábád, 179.

Bandúla, Maha: see Maha Bandúla.

Barrackpur, Mutiny of the Bengal Sepoys at, its causes, 148—150: progress, 150, 151: suppression, 151—153: good effect of the prompt proceedings, 154: Amherst censured for his action, 155: Wellington's general approval, 159—161.

Bassein, taken by Major Sale, 107.

Batavia, Amherst visits, on his way to and from China, 16, 20.

Bathurst, Henry, Earl, a Commissioner of the Board of Control, 165.

Bayley, William Butterworth, Chief Secretary to the Government of India, 166.