Page:Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma.djvu/221

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Benares, the college at, 49: Amherst visits, 177, 178.

Bentinck, Lord William, his claim to succeed Lord Hastings in India, 22: was the Cornwallis of the Native Civil Service, 38: established financial equilibrium, 44.

Berhampur, Amherst visits, 60.

Bhadadr, religious riot at, 129.

Bhagalpur, Amherst visits, 176.

Bhartpur, historic significance of the capture of, 28: dispute as to the succession at, 133: usurpation of Dúrjan Sal, 134: belief in its impregnability, 135: Metcalfe's views, 137: an attack ordered, 138: Combermere's advance, 139: strength of the fortress, 139, 140: the siege, 141, 142: the assault, 142-144: Balwant Singh recognized, 146: the fortress dismantled, 146: visited by Amherst, 187.

Bhíls, the taming of the, 47.

Bikrampur, Burmese defeated at, 77.

Bird, George Mertins, 166.

Bodau Phra, King of Ava, threatens the East India Company, 73: dies, 74.

Bodyguard, the Governor-General's, its gallant conduct at Rangoon, 100: helps to suppress the Mutiny at Barrackpur, 150.

Brazil, Amherst touches at, on his way to China, 15: to India, 52.

Brindában, Amherst visits, 188.

Brisbane, Captain Sir James, R.N., commanded the flotilla at the battle of Proine, 1 19.

Brooke, William Augustus, the senior officer of the Civil Service, 167: entertains Amherst at Benares, 178.

Buckingham, James Silk, deported from India, 23.

Buckingham and Chandos, Richard, Duke of, said to wish to be Governor-General, 156.

Burma, historic significance and ultimate results of the expedition to, 25-28: geography of, 66, 67: the conquests of Alompra, 68, 69: his dynasty, 69: conquest of Arakan, 70: first collision with the East India Company, 70, 71: troubles on the Arakan frontier, 71, 74: conquest of Assam and consequent troubles with the Company, 75: conquest of Manipur and consequent troubles with the Company, 76: commencement of war, 77: occupation of the island of Sháhpuri, 78.

Burmese War commences with a repulse of the British, 77: war declared, 78: capture of Rangoon, 84: army of the Irawadi shut up in Kangoon, 89: operations in Assam and Cachar, 90: defeat of the British in Arakan, 91: capture of Cheduba island, 92: the defence of Rangoon, 92-96: operations round Rangoon, 96, 97: operations in Tenasserim, 98, 99: Maha Bandúla attacks Rangoon and is defeated, 99, 100: conquest of Arakan by Morrison, 101-104: Campbell and Cotton advance from Rangoon, 105, 106: repulse before Donabyú, 106: capture of Donabyú, 107, 108: occupation of Prome, 109-111: negotiations for peace and armistice concluded, 114-118: British victories at Prome, 118, 119: and at Malown, 120, 121: advance on Ava, 121, 122, 124: war ended by the treaty of Yandabu, 124, 125.

Cachar, occupied by the Burmese, 90: the Burmese driven from, 99: becomes a protected state by the treaty of Yandabu, 125.

Calcutta, Amherst reaches, 53: cholera at, 61: appearance of and society at, 172, 173.

Calcutta Journal, The, 23.