Page:Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma.djvu/223

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Dacoitee, its prevalence in India, 46.

Dalzell, Major-General Robert Alexander, reports mutinous spirit among the Sepoys at Barrackpur, 150.

Delhi, college at, 49: Amherst's visit to, 192-196.

'Diana,' H.M.S., steam vessel used in capture of Rangoon, 84: its excellent service, 100.

Díg, Amherst's visit to, 188.

Donabyú, Maha Bandúla takes command at, 99: retires to, 100: Cotton repulsed from, 106: taken by Campbell, 107, 108.

Dorset, Lionel Sackville, Duke of, gave Jeffery Amherst his first commission, 10.

Dúrjan Sál, made himself Rájá of Bhartpur, 133, 134: professed only to be regent, 134: taken prisoner at storm of Bhartpur, 144: sent to Allahábád, 145, 180.

Dutch, comparison of the English and, in Java, 16.

Education, progress of, in India during Amherst's administration, 48-50.

Elphinstone, Hon. Mountstuart, Governor of Bombay, 24, 31, 32, 41.

Engineering becomes a profession in Amherst's time, 44, 45.

Fatehpur, Amherst's visit to, 180.

Fatehpur Síkri, Amherst's visit to, 187.

Fendall, John, Member of Council, 166.

Fielding, Major W. G. A., tells Lady Arnherst anecdote about Baiza Bái, 188.

Fighting, Burmese method of, 93-95.

Fire-rafts, Burmese, 92, 93.

Firozpur, Amherst encamps and holds a Darbár at, 189.

Gardner, Hon. Edward, Resident at Khátmándu, 169.

Gardner, Colonel William Linnaeus, of Gardner's Horse, described, 57, 58: his force reviewed by Amherst at Soron, 181.

Gauháti occupied by a British force, 90.

Gházípur, visited by Amherst and described, 177.

Ghází-ud-dín Haidar, King of Oudh, fond of English art, 49: his visit to Amherst at Cawnpur, 180, 181: his character, 181, 182: satisfies Amherst that charges made against him were false, 182.

Gibson, a Eurasian in Burmese employ, makes himself useful at Rangoon, 98.

Glyn, Richard Carr, Collector at Meerut, entertains the Governor-General and his party, 205.

Grant, Charles, opposed to a Church establishment in India, 50.

Gúrkhas, traits illustrating their bravery, 198, 199.

Haileybury, East India College at, 165, 166.

Hale, Edward, private secretary to Amherst, accompanies the Governor-General, 59: ill with fever, 161.

Hastings, Francis, Marquess of, resigns the Governor-Generalship of India, 21: left a financial surplus, 44: refused to heed threats of the King of Ava, 74.

Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, his teaching and influence, 50,51: his death, 161: quoted—on Elphinstone, 32: on judicial superiority of Bombay, 42: on Bengali newspapers 49, 50: on Mr. W. A. Brooke, 167 on the