Page:Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma.djvu/224

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moral tone of civilians and chaplains, 171: on Amherst's state appearances, 174.

Hill Rangers, the Bhagalpur, 176, 177.

Hindu College at Calcutta, the, 49.

Hindu Ráo, Sindhia's brother-in-law, met Amherst at Agra, 182: anecdote of, 188.

Hodgson, Brian H., assistant to the Resident at Khátmándu, 169.

Hume, Joseph, M.P., attacked Amherst on charges brought by two expelled indigo planters, 170: opposed vote of thanks to Amherst, 202.

Indigo planters, two, attack Amherst through Hume, 170.

Irrigation, encouragement of, by Amherst, 45.

Italian, Amherst spoke fluently, 12.

Jaintia, placed under British protection by treaty of Yandabu, 125.

Jaipur, sacrifices made at the funeral of Mahanijd of, 197.

Játs, the, 133.

Java, Amherst's visit to, 16.

Jenkins, Richard, afterwards Sir Richard, Resident at Nagpur, 168.

John VI, King of Portugal, grants interviews to Amherst at Rio de Janeiro, 15, 52.

Judicial System in India in Amherst's days, 40, 41: causes of difficulty of reform, 41-44.

Kanjawa, fort of, stormed, 129.

Karnátik, Nawáb of, interview with, 53.

Kaye, Sir J. W., quoted on the importance of subduing Bhartpur, 140.

Kemendin, Burmese stockade at, stormed, 88, 96.

Khyen-byan invades Arakan, is driven out by the Burmese and killed, 72, 73.

King-bering: see Khyen-byan.

Kittúr, affair at, 130, 131.

Kolhápur, troubles and fighting in, 131, 132.

Kykloo, British repulsed at Burmese stockade at, 96.

Lake, General Gerard, Viscount, failed before Bhartpur (1805), 135.

Land Settlement in Bengal, 33-35: wrongs done in first temporary settlement of the Upper Provinces, 35-38: opinion on developed in Amherst's administration, 38, 39.

Lawrence, Lieutenant, afterwards Sir Henry M., serves in the invasion of Arakan, 101.

'Liffey,' H.M.S., bombarded Rangoon, 84.

Loudoun, Flora, Countess of, Amherst meets, at Capetown, 15.

Louisburg, Cape Breton, taken by Jeffery Amherst, 10.

Low, Captain, afterwards Sir John, in charge of Bájí Ráo, Peshwá, 63 and n.

Lucknow, Amherst visits, 181.

Luke, Mr., apothecary to the Governor-General, accident to, 176.

Lumley, George, farmer at Meerut, 171.

Macan, Captain Thomas, endeavours to prevent open mutiny at Barrackpur, 151.

Macao, Portuguese at, spread reports against Amherst's mission to China, 17.

Macartney, George, Earl, ambassador to China (1792), 14.

Macbean, Brigadier-General William, commanded Madras division in the capture of Rangoon. 83.