Page:Low Life (Roche).pdf/26

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Benn (swelling his chest).—I reely think I could.
Mrs. Benn.—Did you answer that add for sandwich-man?
Benn (patiently).—Yes. They thought I was too plump to make a proper sandwich. They thought I'd 'old the boards out at such a angle that folk 'ud get a wrong perspective.
Mrs. Benn.—Well, I'm glad I don't 'ave to be a blooming sylph nor a screaming beauty to 'old my job. (She turns sidewise in her chair and ruefully rubs her knees.) My knees feels like two jelly-fish to-night from goin' over Mrs. Horning's floors three times. This was one of 'er particular days. If you'd ha' ever 'eard 'er fussin' over the washin'! Afraid 'er pink undies'd run! I'd mike 'em run, and her in them!
(They grin at each other appreciatively. Then, their grins fade as they hear steps slowly ascending the stairs.