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The step is only too familiar to them.)

Mrs. Benn (throwing up her head).—It's Linton. It's 'is step.
Benn.—It isn't. It can't be. It's that new lodger in the back room. (But he knows it is Linton.)
Mrs. Benn.—You can't fool me. 'E must be crizy. I'll teach 'im. I'll l'y 'ands on 'im, I will!
Benn.—'E must be drunk. Let me go out and stop 'im.
(He goes towards the door but she catches his arm, and drags him back. Together they stand, as the steps cease and a hollow knock sounds on the panel.)
Mrs. Benn (with dangerous politeness).—Come in.
(The door slowly opens and Linton appears. He has a haggard look. He carries his cap in his hand. Benn makes a warning gesture but Linton's eyes are on Mrs. Benn.)