Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/321

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will be brought before the next consistory of cardinals, if the- most holy one follows the advice of Eck; then all the cardinals and bishops will subscribe to it. It has been a good thing that I came to Rome at this time, because the others did not sufficiently know the errors of Luther. At an- other time you shall hear what I have done in this cause. Recently the Pope, two cardinals,^ Dr. Hispanus' and I d^ liberated on this matter five hours; each was asked in tun to give his opinion. The form of the bull will please good men, for it is compounded according to the usage of the councils and popes ancient and modern, and forty-one errors are expressly condemned. . . . the Lutheran business, telling him what had been done by the cardinals appointed to consider it; to-morrow, again, I am going to the Pope to ask on what day the consistory wiO meet, etc. . . .

Farewell. Yours to conunand, Eck.

P. S. — The cardinals favorable to me are the Cardinals of the Holy Cross,* of Ancona,* of Agen,* of the Four Saints,' Jacobacci,^ of St. Sixtus,* and Campeggio,* etc.

'Cajetan and Accoltl. Cf, Smith, 96.

The Spanish Augtistinian Johannes* whose last name is unknown. Cf. Smi^^ ibid., and Zeitschrift fur Kirchengeschichte, xxr. 99. Professor Kaweraa rti^^ me on the letter as a whole to Uhlhom: Urban Rhegiui, which, however, I h**^ not been able to obtain.

'Bernardino Carvajal of Placentia, in Spain, Bishop of Carthagena and cardinal since 1493. He was an opponent of Julius II. at the Council of and as such declared bf the Pope unworthy of the red hat which was restoi to him by Leo X. He died December 16, 1522. It has been conjectured that ht opposed the designation of Luther's appeal to a council as heretical. On infra, no. a88, and Smith, Luther, p. 97.

^Peter Accolti of Arezzo, Bishop of Ancona, made cardinal by Julius II. «- -^

1 51 1. He was one of the commission to inrestigate Luther's heresy, and drafted^^ the bull Exsurgt Doming, promulgated June 15, isao. On this Smith's Luther, 96.

^Leonard Grosso della Rorere, Bishop of Agen, made cardinal by Jnlitn II. in 1505, and later legate, first at Viterbo and then at Perugia.

^Lawrence Pucci, a professor of law at Pisa, papal datary under Julitw IL, given the red hat by Leo X. in 1513. He was at the sack of Rome in is^» and under Oement VII., Grand Penitentiary.

^Dominic Jacobacci of Rome, a learned canonist. Bishop of Nocera del Pagani, created cardinal July i, 15 17.


^Lawrence Campeggio of Milan (1474*1 539), auditor rotae at Rome 15x1, bishop

1512, cardinal isi7< He was legate to Germany in 151 1, and again at the IMct

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