Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/322

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254. LUTHER TO SPALATIN. Bnders, iL 397. Wittenberg, May 5, 1520.

Greeting. I send a letter to Guy Bild, dear Spalatin, to- fcther with one of Peter Aquensis,* as he ordered. Both of us have written to Hutten, Capito,* Pelican,* Erasmus and nany others.

At last brother Augustine Alveld* has come out with his stuff; truly he is too stupid for me to lose time answering aim. His mind, brain, nose, mouth and hair, in short, his whole book, reminds me of that Leipsic ox,* for he uses fig- ures and devices here similar to those the other used in his rile book against the Beghards.* Others^ will answer him, ind I will give it as an exercise to my famulus^ to make verses and orations against this stolid ox.

Please thank the elector for me. For you know it is not jasy for me to get his busy ear with my letters. Good Heav- ms ! how much has come to us and how much more is prom- ised in the letters of many men ! Farewell and pray for me.

Martin Luther.

»f Nuremberg 1534. He wu legate to England in the affair of Henry VIII. 's liToree from Catharine of Aragon, 1528-9.

'Peter Aquensis (i. e., of Aix4a-Chapelle), a canon of St. Martin's at Munster.

>By **us" (utroque nostrum) Luther probably meant himself and Melanchthon. 9oiie of these letters is in print, but that to Capito is known to exist in MS.

"Conrad Pelican (1478- 15 56) of Ruffach in Alsace, became a Franciscan in .493, General Vicar of Alsace in 1499, studied Hebrew with Reuchlin and Matthew kMlrian; 150a began to lecture on Hebrew at Basle; 15 17 went to Rome, returning 3 Baale 15 19, at which time he became a follower of Luther, and after isaa, a v-mrm friend of Oecolampadius. In 1523 he began to lecture on the Old Testa- ment. In 1527 he was called by Zwingli to Zurich, where he remained till his «ea&. Cf. further Forstemann-Giinther, p. 402. He wrote Luther, March 15, sac Enders, iL 354.

^Augustine of Alreld, a Franciscan, first appears in history as reader of the

> ible in the cloister at Leipsic in 1520. At this time he was asked by Bishop wdolph of Merseburg to defend the primacy of the Pope, which he did in the

here mentioned by Luther. The Reformer's friends, Lonicer and Bernhardi

him, he rejoined and Luther surrejoined. The controversy continued for

ic yeauv on the sacraments. In 1529 Alveld was elected Prorincial Vicar. He

a.«d soon after, October, 1532. Life by L. Lemmens 1899.


^n 1 5 14 Ochsenfart wrote two books against the Beghards (extreme Hussites),

► T titles of which cf. Enders ii. i6sf.

^He was answered by Bernhardi of Feldkirchen.

••The famulus was a student who waited on a professor in return for tutoring. 'CvUttr's famulus at this time was John Lonicer, a young Augustinian, who t-cadied in Wittenberg till December, 1521, then went as teacher of Hebrew, first ^ Strsssburg then to Freiburg {cf. Engentinus to T. Blaurer, December 17, 1521),

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