Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/75

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While I have power to wield my sword, He fight with heart and hand. '


Our English archers bent their bowes, Their hearts were good and trew,

At the first flight of arrowes sent, Full fourscore Scots they slew.

Yet bides Erie Douglas on the bent,

As Chieftain stout and good. As valiant Captain, all unmoved

The shock he firmly stood.

His host he parted had in three,

As leader ware and try'd, And soon his spearmen on their foes

Bare down on every side.

Throughout the English archery

They dealt full many a wound; But still our valiant Englishmen

All firmly kept their ground,

And, throwing strait their bowes away, They grasped their swords so bright,

And now sharp blows, a heavy shower, On shields and helmets light.

They closed full fast on every side,

No slackness there was found ; And many a gallant gentleman

I^iy gasping on the ground.

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