Page:Lyra heroica.djvu/76

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Christ ! it was a griefe to see, And likewise for to heare,

The cries of men lying in their gore, And scattered here and there !

At last these two stout erles did meet, Like captaines of great might:

Like lions wode, they laid on lode, And made a cruel fight :

They fought untill they both did sweat With swords of tempered steele;

Until the blood like drops of rain They trickling downe did feele.

'Yield thee, Lord Percy,' Douglas said;

'In faith I will thee bringe, Where thou shalt high advanced be

By James our Scottish king:

Thy ransome I will freely give,

And this report of thee, Thou art the most courageous knight,

That ever I did see.'

'No, Douglas,' quoth Erie Percy then, 'Thy proffer I do scorne;

1 will not yield to any Scot,

That ever yet was borne. '

With that, there came an arrow keene

Out of an English bow, Which struck Erie Douglas to the heart,

A deep and deadly blow :

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