Page:Magic pill, or, Davie and Bess (4).pdf/4

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An' I shall hae them or I steer.
O, Sir! exert your cantrip skill;
Mak up the drugs, cost what they will;
Gar Davie's love to Bessie fetter,
An' mak' him maist gang daft to get her,
Or he will live a man-sworn knave,
An' she'll gang greetin' to her grave."
The doctor glegly saw at once
The silly whims o' simple Nanse,
And bade her wait a little space,
Till he retired to weigh the case.
When he return'd, he thus began
"Now, Nanse, I've formed a sicker plan,
Which, if fulfill'd as I direct,
Davie will Bess again respect.
But for your sauls the plan discover,
Else a' is o'er wi' Bessie's lover;
Disclosing it would play the de'il,
For, look-ye! there's a Magic Pill,
Which will do wonders, I'll avouch,
If Bess could lodg't in Davie's pouch.
"But she maun sit nae langer dreary,
An' sigh, an' greet, an' look sae bleerie,
But raise her spirits, an' be cheerie,
Or that amazin' Pill ye've gotten
Will be as useless as a button.
"Then mark the course that she maun rin,
To bring the faithless fallow in.
"About your place, when there's a fair,
If ye think Davie's to be there
Let Bess gang too-bedecket fine,
Look blythe, an' mak an unco shine,
As she was wont-amang the chiels,
When walking, or when dancing reels,
An', by the bowl, whare funny tales
An' pranks gang roun' an' mirth prevails,
Let her, if Davie's in her view,

As far as prudence will allow,