Page:Magic pill, or, Davie and Bess (4).pdf/5

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Wi' gracefu' mien, an' pawky wiles,
Keep up the joke and fun wi' smiles,
And, if he ance had love for Bess,
He'll hae an anxious secret wis'
For her to dance, or sit beside him,
An' if she's bid, she'll no deride him,
But ha'flins frank, and ha'flins shy,
For twa three minutes may comply,
While modestly she'll act wi' caution,
Say ay or no, an' watch his motion,
An' mark the slee occasion weel
To slip into his pouch the Pill,
Then rise wi' seeming indignation,
An' leave him to his meditation,
Sae, he'll believe she disna prize him.
But scorns his slight, an' can despise him.
"Now, Nanse, if Bess, by my direction,
Gang thro' this plot wi' circumspection,
I spae ye'll soon gie me a ca'
To tell me he's your son in law."
Nanse wi' the Pill gade happy hame,
Gae it to Bess-laid down the scheme,
An' Bess determined to gang through it,
Tho' she should ever after rue it.
Soon after this there was a weddin',
At it threescore at least paradin',
Bess was amang them busket braw,
False hearted Davie, Nanse and a',
An', Nota Bene, I declare,
The pill incog, was also there.
Bess banish'd grief an' roused the spirit
She once so happy did inherit,
Firmly determined if she cou'd
To jundish Davie in the crowd.
When ilk ane in the merry meeting
Had cramm'd their kytes wi' dainty eating,
The young folks on the floor did swiddle,

An' cut their capers to the fiddle;