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Page:Makers of British botany.djvu/392

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Classification, Cesalpino and, 11
━━ De Candolle and, 41
━━ first attempt at, 9
━━ flower and fruit in, 11
━━ Gesner on, 10
━━ Hill on, 100
━━ historical review of, 173
━━ Jung and, 15
━━ de Jussieu on, 41
━━ leaf in, 21
━━ Lindley and, 172, 173
━━ Malpighi on, 35
━━ Morison and, 18, 22
━━ natural system of, 13, 41, 172, 173
━━ progress in, 9
━━ Ray on, 29
Climbing plants, anatomy of, 55
Coal-balls, first investigation of, 245
━━ Williamson and, 251
Coffee disease, investigations of, 263
Coleridge, on Grew, 46, 47
Constancy of species, W. Hooker on, 148
Contact stimulus, Hill on, 98, 99
Controversies, Gilbert and Liebig, 238
━━ Hill's, 8991
━━ Morison and Ray, 21, 31
━━ Rothamsted and German physiologists, 242
━━ Williamson and Brongniart, 254
Copley medal, Hales and, 70
Coprolite, discovery of, 155156
Corn laws, Lindley and repeal of, 169
Cotyledons, Malpighi on, 35, 36
━━ systematic value of, 36
Croonian lecture, Timiriazeff's, 80
Cryptogamic botany, Berkeley and, 4, 226
━━ ━━ W. Hooker and, 128
Cryptogamist, Ward as Government, 262
Cryptogams, R. Brown on, 121, 122
━━ Cesalpino and, 21
━━ Griffith and, 188191
━━ Harvey and, 4, 205
━━ Williamson and fossil, 254, 255
Cycads, R. Brown on, 114, 117, 187
━━ relationships of, 254
━━ Zamia and, 253
Cycas, R. Brown on, 118, 119
━━ Griffith on ovule of, 187, 188
Cytase, importance of, 267

Darwin, Charles, omission of, 5
━━ ━━ Harvey and, 221
━━ ━━ J. D. Hooker and, 303, 307, 308, 315, 316, 320, 322, 323
━━ ━━ Index Kewensis and, 314
Darwin, Francis, on Hales, 6583
Darwinism, Balfour and, 298
De Candolle, A. P., Prodomus of, 134
━━ ━━ classification of, 41, 42
De Candolle, A. P., work of, 109
Deep sea deposits, Hooker and, 307
━━ ━━ ━━ Williamson and, 251
Development, on study of, 118
Dewar, on Gilbert, 234, 235
Dickson, Alexander, Edinburgh Professorship of, 300301
Dublin Herbarium, Harvey and, 211, 222
━━ Professorships at, 210-211, 218

East India Company, Griffith and, 3, 180, 184
Ecology, J. H. Balfour and, 297, 298
━━ Grew on, 61
━━ Griffith and, 182
━━ J. S. Henslow and, 152, 154
━━ J. D. Hooker and, 321
━━ scope of, 7
Economic botany, Berkeley and, 231
━━ ━━ Griffith and, 180
━━ ━━ W. Hooker and, 139
━━ ━━ Museum of, 137-138
Edinburgh Botanical Gardens, Mackay and Don and, 291
━━ ━━ ━━ the McNabs and, 299
━━ ━━ ━━ Rutherford and, 291
━━ ━━ Schools, rivalry of, 282
━━ Medical School, 290, 295
Edinburgh Professors, J. B. Balfour on, 280301
━━ ━━ Charles Alston, 283-286
━━ ━━ William Arthur, 284
━━ ━━ J. H. Balfour, 293300
━━ ━━ Dickson, 300301
━━ ━━ Graham, 291293
━━ ━━ John Hope, 286290
━━ ━━ Charles Preston, 282283
━━ ━━ Rutherford, 290291
━━ ━━ Sutherland, 281283
Elfing, Ward and, 264
━━ on bacteria, 273
Embryogeny, Dickson on plant, 300
Embryo-sac, Ward on the, 262
Encyclopaedia Britannica, on Hales, 68
━━ ━━ Ward and the, 265
Endosperm, Grew on, 63
Eriksson, on "rust" disease, 276
Evolution, Harvey and, 221
━━ J. D. Hooker and, 316

Falconer, Herbarium of, 312
Farmer, J. B., on R. Brown, 108125
Farming, J. S. Henslow and, 155
Ferments, Ward on, 270, 271
Ferns, Grew on spores of, 63
━━ W. Hooker and, 144148
━━ Morison on, 21
━━ sexuality in, 135
━━ Williamson on, 254, 257
Field botany, Balfour and, 297