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Page:Makers of British botany.djvu/393

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Field botany, Edinburgh School and, 296
━━ ━━ Graham and, 292
━━ ━━ W. Hooker and, 132
━━ ━━ Hope and, 289
Fitch, W., as illustrator, 131, 141, 145, 146
Flora of British India, 312
━━ of Britain, 43
━━ of South Africa, 219
━━ of Antarctic, 305, 311, 312
━━ of Ceylon, 312, 313
━━ of Scotland, 132
━━ Fossil, 245, 252
━━ ━━ of Williamson, 248
━━ ━━ of Yorkshire, 247
Floras, migration of, 322
Flowers, Ray on morphology of, 35
━━ Grew on anatomy of, 52, 62
Food solutions, Grew on, 60
Foraminifera, Williamson on, 250, 251
Fossil botany, Binney and, 243, 307
━━ ━━ Brongniart and, 244
━━ ━━ R. Brown and, 122
━━ ━━ in England, 243
━━ ━━ in France, 254, 255
━━ ━━ J. D. Hooker on, 243, 307
━━ ━━ Lindley on, 176
━━ ━━ Williamson and, 7, 256, 259
━━ ━━ Witham and, 243
━━ plants, development in, 258
Fossils, Williamson's collections of, 258
Frankland, Percy, Ward and, 271
Fungi, J. Banks on, 275
━━ basidia in, 230
━━ Berkeley on, 229
━━ ━━ and Broome on, 229230
━━ classification of, 227230
━━ on epiphyllous, 263-264
━━ Eriksson on, 276
━━ on exotic, 228
━━ J. S. Henslow on, 156, 157
━━ Kew collections of, 228
━━ life-history of, 271
━━ morphology of, 230-231
━━ nutrition of, 265

Gardeners' Chronicle, editorship of Lindley, 166, 169
Gardening, Williamson and, 252
Gatty, Mrs, on seaweeds, 216, 221
Genera Filicum, 144, 145, 147
━━ Plantarum, of Bentham and Hooker, 313
━━ ━━ of Endlicher, 314
━━ ━━ of de Jussieu, 314
━━ ━━ of Linnaeus, 314
Genera, Tournefort and, 40
Geographical distribution, of Fungi, 228, 229
━━ ━━ J. D. Hooker on, 319-322
Geological zones, Williamson and, 248
Geology, Binney and, 245, 246
━━ Father of English, 247
━━ of Yorkshire, 247
━━ Williamson and, 251
Geotropism, Grew on, 59
Gesner, classification and, 10, 11
Gilbert, Sir Joseph Henry, life of, 233-242
━━ ━━ career of, 234
━━ ━━ chemical training of, 233-234
━━ ━━ Hellriegel and, 240
━━ ━━ Lawes and, 233
━━ ━━ Rothamsted and, 234
Ginger-beer plant, Ward on, 269, 270
Glasgow, Botanic Gardens at, 129, 130, 292
━━ W. Hooker and Professorship of, 130133
Glasnevin, Harvey and Botanic Gardens of, 213
Goebel, on W. Hooker, 148, 149
━━ on Bryophyta, 189
Golden age, of Botany, 193-194
Graham, Edinburgh Professorship and, 291293
━━ Glasgow Gardens and, 292
━━ teaching and, 292, 293, 299
Grand'Eury, Williamson and, 253
Graphical method, Ward and, 276
Gray, Asa, 224, 321
Greeks, Botany of, 9
Greenhouses, ventilation of, 81
Greville, W. Hooker and, 144, 147
Grew, Nehemiah, life of, 44-64
━━ ━━ anatomy and, 47-57, 135
━━ ━━ Hales and, 81
━━ ━━ Malpighi and, 48
━━ ━━ Schleiden and, 48
━━ ━━ versatility of, 45
Griffith, William, life of, 178-191
━━ ━━ botanical work of, 180
━━ ━━ collections of, 182
━━ ━━ contemporaries of, 183
━━ ━━ Herbarium of, 312
━━ ━━ methods of, 183
━━ ━━ morphology and, 182-183
━━ ━━ travels of, 180-182
━━ ━━ University College and, 179
Griffiths, Mrs, on algae, 211, 223
Growth, Hales on, 82
━━ logarithmic curve of, 273
Gwynne-Vaughan, on Nymphaeaceae, 199
Gymnosperms, R. Brown on, 117, 118
━━ seeds of, 257

Hales, Stephen, life of, 65-83
━━ ━━ Alston and, 285-286
━━ ━━ Chemistry and, 67, 78-80
━━ ━━ Physics and, 67
━━ ━━ Physiology and, 67, 71-78, 80-83