Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/209

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heard this, the heavens overwhelmed me, with wrath hill struck hill (or heap fell on heap).[1]

1151. "Thereupon[2] in amazement I inquired: 'What maid do you want, which?'[3] They said to me: 'Usen presented (one with) a face flashing with lightning.' There was nought to be done; the day of the taking away of my soul (i.e., Nestan) was fixed. I trembled, I could not rise, neither could I remain sitting.

1152. "I went in; I saw that lovely one weeping and flooded in tears. I said: 'O sun, seest thou fully how black fate hath played me false! Heaven is turned towards me in wrath, I am despoiled,[4] I am wholly uprooted;[5] I am denounced, the king asketh for thee, therefore am I heartbroken.'

1153. "She said to me: 'Sister, marvel not, however hard this may be! Luckless Fate hath ever been a doer of ill upon me; if some good had befallen me thou mightest have wondered, what marvel is evil? All kinds of woe are not new to me, old are they.'

1154. "Her eyes poured forth frequent tears like pearls. She rose as fearless as if she were a panther or a hero;[6] joy no longer seemed joy nor did woe seem woe to her. She begged me to cover her form and face with a veil.[7]

1155. "I went into the treasure-house; I took out gems and pearls on which no price was set, as much as I could, every single separate one was worth a city. I went back; I girded them round the waist of her for whose sake my black (sad) heart was dying.

1156. "I said: 'O my (dear one)! Perchance this sort of thing may somewhere be of use to thee!' I gave that face,[8] the sun's peer, into the hands of the slaves. The

  1. Ch. reads, ese mesma da damatqdes, tzani riskhvit'h etza gort'ha; Car. reads, ese mesma, damtqdes tzani, riskhvit'h etza gora gort'ha. Datqdoma, to fall in ruins upon, to tumble about the ears of; cf. 410. Gora, cf. gori, 961.
  2. Cvlav, again.
  3. Ra kali gindat'h romeli, repeating the romeli kali of line 2 in the preceding quatrain.
  4. Iavar mqo, ? become a spoil.
  5. Aghp'hkhvra.
  6. Gmiri.
  7. Adjigha, white Bagdad shawl (Abul.); 474.
  8. Piri, face, person, mouth.