Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/258

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heart: "Your heart is more mine than that of a complete (i.e., born) brother[1]; my life would not be a fitting return, nor the gift of my soul; dying I found from you the balm for my wound.

1446. "Thou knowest of Avt'handil's self-sacrifice for my sake; now I would serve him in return; go, ask, he will reveal what he wants; as he hath quenched my furnace, even so hath his burned enough.

1447. "Say to him: 'O brother, what will repay thee for the grief thou hast seen for my sake? God will grant thee His grace imaged forth[2] from on high. If I cannot do something desirable for thee, contrived for thy sake, I will not see my house, nor hall, not hut.[3]

1448. "'Now tell me what thou wishest of me, or in what I can help thee. I choose that we go to Arabia; be thou my guide.[4] Let us bring to reason the sweet with words, the warlike with swords. If thou be not united to thy wife I will be no husband to mine.'"

1449. When P'hridon told Avt'handil Taria's message, he laughed, he smiled, mirth beautified him. He said: "Why want I a helper? I am not hurt by a wound from any. The Kadjis possess not my sun, nor doth lack of joy afflict her.

1450. "My sun sits upon a throne, powerful by the will of God, respected and honoured, proud, harmed by none, she is by no means oppressed by Kadjis, nor by the sorcery of wizards. Why should I want help with regard to her? Expect me not to speak flattering words.[5]

1451. "When Providence shall come for me, heavenly beings from above, (if) God wills, shall visit my heart, consolations for the furnace; then indeed the radiances of the flashing of the sun will be my lot (when I am) dying; till that time be come, vain are my runnings to and fro.[6]

  1. M.
  2. Shesakhuli, from shesakhva.
  3. Khuli, 659; ? synonym of kokhi (1238), penthouse, hut with eaves.
  4. Marebi, guide or travelling companion.
  5. 683, 1455.
  6. Cf. M. This quatrain is not clear. For the sun in Bust'haveli's ideas of the other world, cf. 1281.