Page:Maori Religion and Mythology.djvu/38

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CH. ii.
The narrow path is climbed,
The broad path is climbed,
The path by which was followed
Your ancestors, Te Aonui,
Te Ao-roa,
Te Ao-whititera.
Now you mount up
To your Ihi,
To your Mana,
To the Thousands above,
To your Ariki,
To your Tapairu,
To your Pukenga,
To your Whananga,
To your Tauira.

When Tawaki and Parekoritawa mounted to the Sky, they left behind them a token—a black moth—a token of the mortal body.

Pare gave birth to Uenuku (=Rainbow). Afterwards she brought forth Whatitiri (=Thunder). Hence the rainbow in the sky, and the thunder-clap.