- African hen, 143…103
- Almond, cake, 189…129
- Almond„ crisp cake, 193…133
- Almond„ (roasted) pudding, 205…143
- Anchovy sauce, 14…16
- Apricot marmelade, 214…151
- Artichokes, with butter, 81…27
- Artichockes„ fried, 28…25
- Artichockes„ in mold, 96…73
- Artichockes„ steamed, 29…26
- Artichockes„ stewed, 30…27
- Artichockes„ stuffed. 105…78
- Artichockes„ stuffed with meat, 106…79
- Artichockes„ with sauce, 104…78
- Asparagus, 114…85
- Balsamella, sauce, 59…46
- Bean soup, 7…9
- Birds, 132…95
- Biscuit, 191…131
- Biscuit (ice), 216…153
- Biscuit, cripp, 183…124
- " soft, 184…125
- " sultan, 185…126
- " wafer, 194…134
- Blackberry syrup, 212…149
- Bread soup, 3…7
- Breast of Veal stuffed, 80…62
- Brittle (see crisp cake)…
- Broth, 1…5
- Brown stock, 13…15
- Cabbage, stuffed, 112…83
- Cake, almond, 189…129
- Cake„ corn meal, 190…180
- Cake„ crisp, 206…144
- Cake„ Madeleine, 192…132
- Cake„ Margherita, 186…127
- Cake„ portugaise, 196…136
- Cake„ quince, 195…135
- Cakes, farina, 198…138
- Caper Sauce, 57…45
- Cappelletti, soup, 2…6
- Cauliflower, in mold, 95…72
- Cauliflower, with balsamella, 111…83
- Celery, au jus, 166…116
- Celery„ dressing 103…77
- Celery„ fried, 168…117
- Celery„ purèe, 169…117
- Celery„ sauce for, 167…116
- Celery„ with butter, 165…115
- Chicken alla cacciatora, 35…30
- Chicken„ boned and stuffed, 40…33
- Chicken„ breasts sautè, 45…37
- Chicken„ fried, 34…29
- Chicken„ sautè, 142…102
- Chicken„ stuffed, 139…100
- Chicken„ stuffing, 64…51
- Chicken„ with ham, 141…102
- Chicken„ with egg sauce, 44…37
- Chicken„ with sausages, 43…36
- Chicken„ with sherry, 42…36
- Chicken„ with tomatoes, 41…35
- Chicken„ with sauce piquante, 140…101
- Chicken„ Cod fish, boiled, 122, 123…90–91
- Chicken„ croquettes, 125…91
- Chicken„ fried, 124…91
- Corn meal, cake, 190…130
- Corn meal„ pie, 37…31
- Corn meal„ with sausages, 36…30
- Crisp cake in double boiler, 206…144
- Croquettes, fried, 67…53
- Curly tart, 188…129
- Currant, syrup, 209…146
- Cutlets, chopped meat, 74…58
- Cutlets„ veal, 75…58
- Cutlets„ stewed, 73…57
- Cutlets„ stuffed, 76, 138…59–99
- Dog fish, fried, 126…92
- Dog fish„ stewed, 127…92
- Duck, tame, 144…104
- Duck„ wild, 46…38
- Eels, stewed, 118…88
- Eels„ with peas, 119…88