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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/11

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[ iii ]

indeed I flatter myſelf that a Shadow of Doubt will not appear of your being the Author of it, when the Whole has been peruſed and compared with thoſe Two inimitable and unanſwerable Pamphlets with which you have obliged your Royal Maſter, and our moſt gracious Sovereign, and his able Miniſters: I mean the False Alarm, and that moſt excellent Vindication (intitled Taxation no Tyranny) of what the Faction or Whigs (which by your excellent Dictionary we are taught to be one and the ſame) call the moſt ominous Syſtem of Deſpotiſm that this, or any other Free State ever ſaw planned, and which their fanatical Zeal moſt religiouſly reprobates.

I urged in your Vindication, learned Sir! that it was impoſſible ſo pointed an Attack on the glorious Revolution; ſuch bitter Reflections, keen Sarcaſms, and perſonal Invectives againſt the illuſtrious Houſe of Hanover, which are to be found in the following Eſſay; could proceed from the Pen of the now renowned Champion for the Ho-
