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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/12

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[ iv ]

nour and Glory of One of the Houſe of Brunſwick; whoſe Exaltation to the Throne of theſe Realms has ever been Matter of the greateſt Diſtreſs, Trouble, and Diſappointment to Tories and Jacobites; neither of whom can ever diſcover Zeal or Attachment to any reigning Monarch, unleſs the Maxims of his Government ſhould be the ſame with thoſe, which, in their warmeſt Wiſhes, they would deſire to ſee the curſed and expelled Race of the Stuarts adopt and purſue. This indeed may gain, a temporary Allegiance, and procure an outward Shew of Obedience, as if, would not only gratify their high-flown extravagant Notions of hereditary Right and unlimited Authority, but afford ſome diſtant Proſpect and Hope, that a Deviation from all Principles and Maxims that firſt, in the Opinion of the Whigs, vindicated the Depoſition of the Stuarts, and Elevation of the Houſe of Hanover, might, by a happy Train of political Confluences, refer the the imperial Diadem to that Head, round which every Jacobite would wiſh to ſee it caſt its heredi-
