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Penſioner, which have been ſo often bandied about, and to be found inſcribed on that Coloſſean Column of Fame, your Dictionary; and gravely read from it the Two following Articles of your Impeachment.
PENSION. An Allowance made to any One without an Equivalent: In England it is generally underſtood to mean Pay given to a State-hireling for Treaſon to his Country.
PENSIONER. A Slave of State hired by a Stipend to obey his Maſter.
Theſe read; with an Air of Triumph, he exclaimed—“Now vindicate the Doctor if you can.”The Word Equivalent gave the Turn to my Plea; and I peremptorily declared, that in the very Senſe of the Lexicographer, his Majeſty’s Bounty to you, Sir, was not a Penſion; ſince it muſt firſt be proved that his Majeſty is your Maſter, and acknowledged ſuch by you; and that you