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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/21

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[ xiii ]

obey him.—I next urged that you had given him an ample Equivalent for Royal Munificence.—“What!” replied be, with great Quickneſs, “by giving up in Return, Honour, Character, Conſcience, and every Thing that ſhould diſtinguiſh a Man!”

To ſuch the Plunder of the Land is given,
When Crimes inflame the Wrath of angry Heav’n!

Poem of London.

I anſwered this exclamatory Interrogation only with a Smile of ineffable Contempt.—As to the latter Part of the Deſcription, viz. that a Penſion is generally underſtood in England to mean Pay given to a State-hireling for Treaſon to his Country, I replied—Suppoſe Dr. Johnſon, or myſelf, chooſe to take the Words in the Scotiſh Acceptation of them; and if the Idea of a State-hireling in that Country doth not materially differ from that received in our own, the Idea of Treaſon doth, or at leaſt hath done moſt eſſentially.
