[ xiv ]
Thus, Sir, having I hope fully and unanſwerably confuted the invidious Charge, that you are the Author of the following Eſſay; and put it out of all Doubt, or even a Quesſtion, that you can be PROBUS BRITANICUS, I humbly take my Leave; careleſs on whom the Charge or Guilt may fall, now I have exculpated you; for I had no other Deſign in View than to do Juſtice to your ſuper-eminent Merit and Abilities, and to ſhew you to the Public in your true Character; nor am I conſcious of the leaſt Tincture of Pride mixing itſelf with this pure Deſign; no, not even the moſt diſtant Emulation with our gracious Sovereign, whoſe high Example and illuſtrious Virtues I hope I ſhall never have the Temerity or daring Ambition to imitate. In you, Sir, his preſent Majeſty finds a firm, ſteady, and able Advocate for the Houſe of Brunſwick, and conſequently deems you as good a Friend as he himſelf wiſhes to the glorious Revolution; a Period, the Bleſſings of which we almoſt ceaſe to rejoice at, as they