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and threaten him with a Shower, had recourſe for ſhelter to the Trees under which this Stone happened to lie, and ſat down upon it in Expectation of fair Weather. At length he began to amuſe himſelf in his Confinement, by clearing the Earth from his Seat with the Point of his Cane, and had continued this Employment ſome Time, when he obſerved ſeveral Traces of Letters antique and irregular, which by being very deeply engraven were ſtill eaſily diſtinguiſhable.
This Diſcovery ſo far raiſed his Curioſity, that going Home immediately, he procured an Inſtrument proper for cutting out the Clay that filled up the Spaces of the Letters, and with very little Labour made the Inſcription legible, which is here exhibited to the Public:
Cum Lapidem hunc, magni
Qui nunc jacet Incola ſtagni,
Vel Pede Equus tanget,
Vel Arator vomere franget,