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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/28

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[ 4 ]

Sentiet ægra Metus,
Effundet Patria Fletus,

Littoraque ut Fluctu,
Reſonabunt Oppida Luctu:

Nam fœcunda rubri
Serpent per Prata Colubri,

Gramina vaſtantes,
Flores Fructuſque vorantes,

Omnia fœdantes,
Vitiantes, et ſpoliantes;

Quanquam haud pugnaces,
Ibunt per cuncta Minaces,

Fures abſque Timore,
Et pingues abſque Labore.

Horrida dementes
Rapiet Diſcordia Gentes,

Plurima tunc Leges
Mutabit, plurima Reges

Natio, converſâ
In Rabiem tunc contremet Urſâ

Cynthia, tunc latis
Florebunt Lilia Pratis,

Nec fremere audebit
Leo, ſed violare timebit,
