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nour of Two mighty Nations is concerned, ſome Information might be drawn from the Word Patria [my Country] in the Third Line; England being not in Propriety of Speech the Country of the Saxons; at leaſt not at their firſt Arrival. But upon farther Reflection this Argument appeared not concluſive, ſince we find that in all Ages Foreigners have affected to call England their Country, even when, like the Saxons, of old they came only to plunder it.[1]
An Argument in favour of the Britons, may indeed be drawn from the Tenderneſs with which the Author ſeems to lament his Country, and the Compaſſion he ſhows for its approaching Calamities. I, who am a Deſcendant from the Saxons, and therefore unwilling to ſay any Thing derogatory from the Reputation of my Forefathers, muſt yet allow this Argument its full Force: For it has been rarely, very rarely, known, that Foreigners, how-
- ↑ The Scotch affect this, under theſe Circumſtances, at this very time.