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ever well treated, carefled, enriched, flattered, or exalted, have regarded this Country with the leaſt Gratitude or Affection, till the Race has by long Continuance, after many Generations, been naturalized and aſſimilated.[1]
They have been ready upon all Occaſions to prefer the petty Intereſts of their own Country, though perhaps only ſome deſolate and worthleſs Corner of the World. They have employed the Wealth of England, in paying Troops to defend, Mud-wall Towns, and uninhabitable Rocks, and in purchaſing Barriers for Territories of which the natural Sterility ſecured them from Invaſion.[2]
- ↑ This perhaps will account for the extraordinary Gratitude and Affection diſcovered by our preſent gracious Sovereign; but the Inuendo, and coarſe Compliment to his Royal Predeceſſors, plainly prove, that this could not have been written by Dr. Johnſon, who is ſo remarkable for Politeneſs and courtly Manners.
- ↑ The Electorate of Hanover is not remarkable for well-built Towns, fertile Fields, or waving Harveſts.
N. B. Dr. Johnſon has made the like Obſervations on Scotland, in his Voyage to the Hebrides.