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us rate Counſel by our Eſteem for the Counſellor; let us at length deſiſt from this Enquiry, ſo uſeleſs in itſelf, in which we have Room to hope for ſo little Satiſfaction. Let us ſhow our Gratitude to the Author, by anſwering his Intentions, by conſidering minutely the Lines which he has left us, and examining their Import without Heat, Precipitancy, or Party-prejudices; let us endeavour to keep the juſt Mean, between ſearching ambitiouſly for far-fetched Interpretations, and admitting ſuch low Meaning, and obvious and low Senſe, as in inconſiſtent with thoſe great and extenſive Views, which it is reaſonable to aſcribe to this excellent Man.
It may yet be farther aſked, whether this Inſcription, which appears on the Stone, be an Oirignal, and not rather a Verſion of a traditional Prediction in the old Britiſh Tongue, which the Zeal of ſome learned Man prompted him to tranſlate and engrave in a more known Language for the Inſtruction of future Ages? But as the Lines carry at firſt View a