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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/47

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[ 23 ]

Reference both to the Stone itſelf, and very remarkably to the Place where it was found, I cannot ſee any Foundation for ſuch a Suſpicion.

It remains now that we examine the Senſe and Import of the Inſcription, which after having long dwelt upon it with the cloſeſt and moſt laborious Attention, I muſt confeſs myſelf not yet able fully to comprehend. The following Explications therefore are by no Means laid down as certain and indubitable Truths, but as Conjectures not always wholly ſatisfactory even to myſelf, and which I had not dared to propoſe to ſo enlightened an Age, an Age which abounds with, thoſe great Ornaments of human Nature, Sceptics, Anti-moraliſts, and Infidels, but with Hopes that they would excite ſome Perſon of great Abilities to penetrate farther into the oraculous Obſcurity of this wonderful Prediction.

Not even the Four firſt Lines are without their Difficulties, in which the Time
