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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/54

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[ 30 ]

ferers, who are harraſſed and oppreſſed only becauſe they ſuffer it without Reſiſtance. We are therefore to remember, whenever the Peſt here threatened ſhall invade us, that Submiſſion and Tameneſs will be certain Ruin; and that nothing but Spirit, Vigilance, Activity, and Oppoſition can preſerve us from the moſt hateful and reproachful Miſery, that of being plundered, ſtarved, and devoured by Vermin and by [ſcarlet] Reptiles.[1]

Horrida dementes
Rapiet Diſcordia Gentes,

Plurima tunc Leges
Mutabit, plurima Reges


  1. To impute ſuch Sentiments as theſe, ſo highly injurious to the Gentlemen of the Sword, from whoſe Spirit and Activity Dr. Johnſon and Lord North expect the total Subduction of America, to this ingenious Writer, would be a manifeſt Injuſtice and Abſurdity. I chuſe to mention this particularly, becauſe I ſhould think the Writer’s Noſe, if not his Life, would ſtand but a bad Chance from ſome of our Military Gentry.
