[ 31 ]
Then o’er the World ſhall Diſcord ſtretch her Wings,
Kings change their Laws, and Kingdoms change their Kings.
Here the Author takes a general Survey of the State of the World, and the Changes that were to happen about the Time of the Diſcovery of this Monument in many Nations. As it is not likely that he intended to touch upon the Affairs of other Countries any farther than the Advantage of his own made it neceſſary, we may reaſonably conjecture, that he had a full and diſtinct View of all the Negociations, Treaties, Confederacies, of all the triple and quadruple Alliances, and all the Leagues offenſive and defenſive, in which we were to be engaged, either as Principals, Acceſſaries, or Guarantees, whether by Policy, or Hope, or Fear, or our Concern for preſerving the Balance of Power, or our Tenderneſs for the Liberties of Europe. He knew that our Negotiators would intereſt us in the Affairs of the whole Earth; and that no State could