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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/56

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[ 32 ]

either riſe or decline in Power, either extend or loſe its Dominions, without affecting Politics and influencing our Counſels.

This Paſſage will bear an eaſy and natural Application to the preſent Time, in which ſo many Revolutions have happened, ſo many Nations have changed their Matters, and ſo many Diſputes and Commotions are embroiling almoſt in every Part of the World.

That almoſt every State in Europe and Aſia, that is, almoſt every Country then known, is comprehended in this Prediction, may be eaſily conceived; but whether it extends to Regions at this Time undiſcovered, and portends any Alteration of Government in Carolina and Georgia, let more able or more daring Expositors determine.

In Rabiem tunc contremet Urſâ

