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or Commentary, unleſs that ingenious and learned Society ſhould favour the World with their own Remarks.
To this Scheme, which I thought extremely well calculated for the public Good, and therefore very eagerly communicated to my Acquaintance and Fellow Students, ſome Objections were ſtarted, which, as I had not foreſeen, I was unable to anſwer.
It was obſerved, firſt, That the Daily Diſſertations publiſhed by the Fraternity, are written with ſuch Profundity of Sentiment, and filled with ſuch uncommon Modes of Expreſſion, as to be themſelves ſufficiently unintelligible to vulgar Readers, and that therefore the venerable Obſcurity of this Prediction would much leſs excite the Curioſity, and awaken the Attention of Mankind, than if it were exhibited in any other Paper, and placed in Oppoſition to the clear and eaſy Stile of an Author generally underſtood.