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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/65

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[ 41 ]

To this Argument, formidable as it was, I anſwer’d, after a ſhort Pauſe, that with all proper Deference to the great Sagacity and advanced Age of the Objector, I could not but conceive that his Poſition confuted itſelf; and that a Reader of the Gazetteer, being by his own Confeſſion accuſtomed to encounter Difficulties, and ſearch for Meaning where it was not eaſily to be found, muſt be better prepared than any other Man for the Peruſal of theſe ambiguous Expreſſions. And that, beſides, the Explication of this Stone, being a Talk, which nothing could ſurmount but the moſt acute Penetration joined with indefatigable Patience, ſeemed in Reality reſerved for thoſe who have given Proofs of both in the higheſt Degree by reading and underſtanding the Gazetteer.

This Anſwer ſatisfied every one but the Objector, who with an Obſtinacy, not very uncommon, adhered to his Opinion, though he could not defend it; and not being able to make any Reply, attempted to laugh away my Argument,
