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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/76

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[ 52 ]

and that if Fifteen cannot be ſelected who are at preſent ſo qualified, the Deficiency may be ſupplied out of thoſe who having once learned to read, may, perhaps, with the Aſſiſtance of a Maſter, in a ſhort Time refreſh their Memories.

It may be thought, at the firſt Sight of this Propoſal, that it might not be improper to aſſign to every Commentator a Reader and Secretary; but it may be eaſily conceived, that not only the Public might murmur at ſuch an Addition of Expence, but that by the Unfaithfulneſs or Negligence of their Servants, the Diſcoveries of the Society may be parried to foreign Courts, and made uſe of to the Diſadvantage of our own Country.

For the Reſidence of this Society, I cannot think any Place more proper than Greenwich Hoſpital, in which they may have Thirty Apartments fitted up for them, that they may make their Obſervations in private, and meet once a Day in the painted Hall to compare them.
