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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/77

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[ 53 ]

If the Eſtabliſhment of this Society be thought a Matter of too much Importance to he deferred till the New Buildings are finiſhed, it will be neceſſary to make Room for their Reception, by the Expulſion of ſuch of the Seamen as have no Pretenſions to the Settlement there, but fractured Limbs, Loſs of Eyes, or decayed Conſtitutions, who have lately been admitted in ſuch Numbers, that it is now ſcarce poſſible to accommodate a Nobleman’s Groom, Footman, or Poſtilion in a Manner ſuitable to the Dignity of his Profeſſion, and the original Deſign of the Foundation.

The Situation of Greenwich will naturally diſpoſe them to Reflection and Study; and particular Caution ought to be uſed, left any Interruption be ſuffered to diſſipate their Attention, or diſtract their Meditations: For this Reaſon, all Viſits and Letters from Ladies are ſtrictly to be prohibited; and if any of the Members ſhall be detected with a Lap-dog, Pack of Cards, Box of Dice, Draught-table, Snuff-box,
