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Thus will the Miniſtry have a fair Proſpect of obtaining the full Senſe and Import of the Prediction, without burthening the Public with more than 650,000 l. which may be paid out of the Sinking Fund;[1] or if it be not thought proper to Violate that ſacred Treaſure by converting any Part of it to Uſes not primarily intended, may be eaſily raiſed by a general Poll-tax, or Exciſe upon Bread.
Having now compleated my Scheme; a Scheme calculated for the public Be-
- ↑ I wonder, ſays my Friend, from what Fund the Doctor’s Penſion is derived!—The Privy Purſe, replied I.—From whence is that filled? quoth he.—There is no End is anſwering ſuch Queſtions, ſaid I.—Thus diſputing every Inch of Ground, and fighting all the Lines through, of this extraordinary political Field, I put my Adverſary to Flight; not without ſome diſtant Hopes of being noticed by the learned and ingenious Doctor in his next patriotic Publication, or receiving myſelf ſome beneficent Token of Royal Favour and Protection, to which, with all Modeſty, I think myſelf as much intitled, as ſome whom the King, in the Exuberance of his Bounty, hath delighted to honour.