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of Looking-glaſs, he ſhall for the Firſt Offence be confined for Three Months to Water-gruel, and for the Second be expelled the Society.
Nothing now remains, but that an Eſtimate be made of the Expences neceſſary for carrying on this noble and generous Deſign. The Salary to be allowed each Profeſſor cannot be leſs than 2000 l. a Year, which is indeed more than the regular Stipend of a Commiſſioner of Exciſe; but it muſt be remembered, that the Commentators have a much more difficult and important Employment, and can expect their Salaries but for the ſhort Space of Five Years; whereas a Commiſſioner (unleſs he imprudently ſuffers himſelf to be carried away by a whimſical Tenderneſs for his Country) has an Eſtabliſhment for Life.
It will be neceſſary to allow the Society in general 30,000 l. yearly for the Support of the public Table, and 40,000 l. for Secret Service.