Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/165

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BRO seldom giving his reasons for his decisions." Successive editors have corrected and enriched these Reports with observations and notes of Cases unlil they have become a pretty good digest of Equity Jurispru- dence. The late American edition, by Mr. Perkins, deserves the highest commendation. Bridgman's Bibli. 39; 1 Kent's Com. 494; Ram's Legal Judg. 101. BROWN, WjNI. A Treatise of Fines, upon Writs of Covenants and Recoveries, upon Writs of Entry in the Post, with Instruc- tions how to Draw and Acknowledge the same in all cases, &c. 8vo. London. 1725. , Privilcffia Senatus Consensu Sublata ; being Re- marks upon the Acts 12 and 13 Guil., and 2 and 3 Ann, for Pre- venting any Inconveniences that may happen by Privileges of Parliament. 8vo. London. 1704. . Astrese Abdicate Bestaurutio ; or, Advice to Justices, containing a Compendious and Perfect Abstract of all the Statute Laws, and correct Forms of Precedents. 12nio. Lon- don. 1692. . Formulae Bene Placitandi. A Book of Entries ; contaiqing choice Precedents of Courts, Declarations, Informa- tions, Pleas in Law and in Abatement, Continuance, Replications, Rejoinders, Issues, Verdicts, Judgments after Verdicts, Outlaw- ries, Recoveries, and Avowries. 2d ed. fol. London. 1675. , The Entering Clerk's Vade Mecum ; being a col- lection of Precedents of Declarations and Pleadings in most Actions ; especially such as are brought for or against Liens, Executors, or Administrators, &c. 8vo. London. 1695. . 3Iethodus Novisshna Intramli Placita Gene- ralia ; or, a Complete Method of Drawing Contracts or Entering Declarations, Pleas, Issues, Continuances, Verdicts, &c. To which is added a complete Analysis of true and correct Pleading. 8vo. London. 1699. . Modus Intrandi Placita Generalia. The Entering Clerk's Introduction ; being a Collection of such Precedents of Declarations and other Pleadings, with Process, as well Mesne as Judicial, as are generally used in every day's Practice, &c. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1703. 153