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BRO BROWN, WM. Tutor Clericalis Instruclus, &c. 8vo. London. 1727. BROWN, T. Miscellanea Aulica ; a Collection of State Treaties ; containing Letters by King Charles and King James IL, in tlieir Exile, &c. 8vo. London. 1702. A Practical Treatise on Borough Courts of Record. 8vo. London. 1836. ' ' . A Practical Treatise on the Statutes concerning Lunatic Paupers and Lunatic Criminals. 12mo. London. 1844. BROWN, JOSIAH. Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error, in the High Court of Parliament, from 1701 to 1779, and continued to 1800, with Notes, &,c. By T. E. Tomlins. 8 vols. Svo. London. 1803. The statement of the Cases in these Reports, are for the most part brief, and the reasoning of counsel is extracted from the printed reasons and arguments urged upon either side, the more weighty arguments being used when the cases came to a hearing, at which the reporter was fre- quently absent. The undertaking was laborious, and the cases are in the highest degree authoritative. 47 Critical Rev. 379 ; Ram on Legal Judgment, 161; 7 Ves. 347e . A new Abridgment of Cases in Equity ; and of such Cases at Law as relate to Equitable subjects, from 1735 to the present time. 4to. London. 1793. stone. 1830. Observations on the Game Laws. 8vo. Ather- . Practice of the High Court of Chancery, under the New Orders, from the filing of the Bill to the termination of the Suit, particularly in the Master's Office ; to which are added the Evidence and Proof admitted at the hearing, and in the different stages of the Cause. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1830. BROWN, J. B. An Account of the Laws against Catholics. Svo, London. BROWN, M. P. A Treatise on the Law of Sale. 8vo. Edin- burgh. 1821. An able Treatise on the Contract of Sale. Reddie's Mar. Com. 460. 154