Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/190

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CAS GARY, JOHN. Vindication of the Parliament of England, in answer to Molyneaux. 8vo. London. 1698. CASAREGIS, JOSEPH L. M. Discursus Legates de Commercio in duos lomos distribuli in qiiibus fusissime tractantur Materia3 Concernentes Assecurationes, naves, naula et Naulizationes, jac- tus, avarias sen contribuliones, — accomendas et implicitas ; Gambia nundiuoria et Maritima, etc. 3 torn. fol. Venet. 1740. Casaregis is the best of the Italian writers upon general Commercial and Maritime law. " His commercial discourses are by far the most valuable of all his works to a modern lawyer. They embrace the whole circle of commercial law, including the law of prize, and are written in a plain, clear style, abounding in just and practical remarks and sound learning. All that is most useful in the works of former jurists is collected and commented on with acuteness and accuracy, and for the most part the topics are examined until the whole subject matter is ex- hausted. Rarely have we looked into his works upon any contested ques- tion, without rising instructed and enlightened by the perusal. Higher praise cannot be bestowed upon him than the fact affords, that he is quoted by all subsequent writers on commercial law, as a leading and safe authority, and Valin does not scruple to affirm, that he is beyond all contradiction the best of all the maritime authors. In recommending him, therefore, to the diligent study of our own lawyers, we are confi- dent that we do them a substantial service, which will be estimated the more, as familiarity with his works makes his merits more extensively known." The author was for more than twenty years a judge at Florence, he had taught as a professor at law, and his writings enjoy the highest reputation in Europe as standard authorities in mercantile affairs. His works were in part printed during his life, and shortly after his death they were collected by his brother and published in 3 tom., folio, under the above title. The third volume contains the Consolato del Mare, with a commentary by Casaregis, and a treatise on the law of Exchange and Banking. Valins' Com. Sur. I'Ordon, Pref. 16; 1 Bell's Com. 499; Reddle's Mar. Com. 300 ; Story, 7 N. A. R. 323-339 ; Intro. Jacobson's Sea Laws, by Frick, 28. GASES and Resolutions of Gases, adjudged in the Gourt of King's Bench, concerning Settlements and Removals, from the first year of Geo. L to the 5th Geo. II. 4th ed. with the addition of Gases in the time of Sir John Holt, and an Abstract of the Statutes con- cerninof the Poor. 8vo. London. 1742. These Reports are sometimes referred to as Cases tempore Holt. See Abbreviations, 8, n. (*) 178