Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/191

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CAS CASES, THE, of Polygamy, Concubinage, Adultery, Divorce, &c., seriously and learnedly discussed. 12mo. London. 1732. Argued and Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Geo. II., during which time Lord Hardwicke presided in that Court; to which are added some determinations of Chief Justice Lee; and also two Equity ones by Lord Hardwicke. fol. London. 1770. 2d ed. By T. Lee. 8vo. London. 1815. This collection of Cases is supposed to have been made by Mr. An- naly, and is therefore referred to as Reports tem. Hardwicke, per Annaly. See Abbreviations, 13, n. ('), 2, n. C) of Practice in the Court of King's Bench, from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to the 14th Geo. III., selected from the Books of Reports, and methodically arranged under proper titles. 4to. London. 1778. adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from the 2d Wm. III. to the end of his Reign, fol. London. 1738. See 12 Modern Reports. -, with Opinions of eminent Counsel, in matters of Law, Equity and Conveyancing, alphabetically arranged, and digested under distinct heads ; and containing a variety of special Cases on the subject of Advowsons, Bequests, Contingent Remainders, Contracts, Copyholds, Devises, Executors, Fines, Leases, Mort- gages, Powers, Recoveries, Tithes, Trusts, Uses, Wills, and other important branches of the Laws, originally collected by an eminent practitioner of the Court of Exchequer, (Philip Burton.) 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1791. This is a selection from a large collection of opinions on special cases by several late eminent counsel, among which are contained many ela- borate opinions of those late eminent conveyancers, Mr. Booth, Mr. Fearne, &c. &c. — — — ^ on Appeals, concerning the Duties on Houses and Win- dows, Servants, and Inhabited Houses ; with the Determinations of the Commissioners, and the Opinions of the Judges thereon, &;c. 8vo. London. 1779. of Practice in the Common Pleas, in the Reigns of Queen Anne, and Geo. I. & II. 8vo. London. 1797. 179