Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/315

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FAR FARLEY, J. The Duty and Office of Churchwarden, in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin. 1823. FARQUHARSON, G, Court of Chancery ; Letter in Refutation of the Unfounded Charges against Lord Eldon, and the System of the Court of Chancery. Svo. London. 1825. FARR, S. M. D. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1815. FARRAR, T. Report of the Dartmouth College Case. 8vo. Portsmouth. 1819, FARREN, GEORGE. The Common Forms and Rules for Draw- ing and Answering an Original Bill in Chancery, as directed and suggested by the New Orders of Court and Reported Cases ; together with the Rules of Practice for the Courts of Equity of the United States, with Notes and References to American and other authorities. 12mo. Boston. 1845. This is a reprint of two of Mr. Farren's small works, with some addi- tions. It is concise and practical, and will be found a convenient o-uide for drawing and answering a Bill in Chancery. 8 L. R. 285 ; 25 L. O. 1G6; (27) 391. . The Liabilities of existing and future Public Com- panies and Partnerships, after the date of the Public Act, 7 & 8 Vict. c. 110, giving also the actual Duties, Penalties, and Respon- sibilities imposed on the Solicitors, Directors, and Shareholders. 12mo. London. 1844. . A Treatise on Life Assurance, in which the Sys- tem and Practice of the leading Life Institutions, are stated and explained; with an Appendix of Cases. 8vo. London. 1823. . Billsof Costs in Chancery. 12mo. London. 1840. . Rules for reading Acts of Parliament, with Expla- nations for the use of the Public. 18mo. London. 1840. Statute made Easy, and its different Parts ex- plained; for the use of Members of Parliament, and the Legal Profession. 18mo. London. 1837. . Common Forms, and also Practical Instructions for Taking an Answer, or Answering a Bill in Chancery. 18mo. London. 1844. 303