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FEA FARREN, GEORGE. A Digest of Equity and Common Law Reports. 8vo. London. 1841. . The Hand Book ; being a Guide to the Chancery Judges' Opinions of the Peculiarities and Faults of the various Decisions and Reports in Chancery, Bankruptcy, and Parliament, both EngHsh and Irish. 12mo. London. 1839. Its object is briefly to show what Cases have been expressly over- ruled, or their authority questioned. The utility of such a book cannot be doubted, and the author has shown a commendable degree of research and tact in presenting a view of the discordant authorities. 6 M. L. M. 241. FARRESLEY, THOMAS. Modern Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of K. B. at Westminster, in the Reign of Queen Anne. fol. London. 1716. Seel Modern Reports. FEA, JOHN W. Eldoniana ; a familiar Poetical Dialogue between a Reformer and a Chancery Barrister, in Westminster Hall. 8vo. London. 1826. FEARNE, C. An Essay on the Learning of Contingent Remain- ders and Executory Devises. 10th ed. containing the Notes, Cases, and other matter added to the former editions, by C. But- ler ; with an Original View of Executory Interests in Real and Personal Property, comprising the Points deducible from the Cases slated in the Treatise of Fearne; with References to numerous other Decisions, and so connected with the Text of Fearne, as to form a body of Notes thereto. By Josiah W. Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1844. Fearne's Treatise on Contingent Remainders was first published in 1772, and formed a small volume of ninety-eight pages. To the fourth edition, 1791, the author added copies of opinions ascribed to eminent counsel, on the will which was the subject of the case of Perrin v. Blake, and otherwise enlarged and improved the essay. That part of the work devoted to Executory Devises formed the second volume of the fourth edition, but the author died before it was completed, and Mr. Powel edited and published it in 1795. Charles Butler edited the seventh edition, 8vo., London, 1809, which has been several times re- printed without any material additions, until the tenth. The last Ame- rican is from the 8th London edition, 8vo., Philadelphia, 1826. Mr, Fearne was the first to reduce to method the intricate learning of Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises, and- his treatise is still 304