Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/329

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FOR under the title, A Treatise of Equity, foL, London, 1737, and Henry Bal- lovv is the reputed author of the hook. Mr. Fonhlanque first annotated it, 2 vols., 8'o., London, 179'2— 93, leaving the text intact, and his contri- butions, from time to time, equal in quantity and value the original Treatise. The American editors, Mr. Ingraham and Laussat, contributed elabo- rate and well written notes of American Cases and later English ones than Fonblanque, and The Treatise of Equity has at length become a rivulet of text, meandering through a wilderness of notes. Till the appearance of Mr. Maddock's Chancery, in England : and Mr. Justice Story's Commentaries on Equity .Jurisprudence, in America, Fonblanque's was the best equity elementary treatise in use, but it finally expired under the weight of its own notes, the subject had outgrown the plan. As an accurate digest of the leading principles of Equity, it still possesses some value, but several later and better works have taken its place as a practical treatise. 22 L. M. 61; 1 Bart. Conv. 43; 6 A. J. 447; 13 L. O. 193; 13 Month. Rev. 85; (31) 435; 15 A. J. 3G6; Hoff. Leg. Stu. 400. FONBLANQUE, J. S. M. Statutes, and Extracts from Statutes, relating to Bankrupts. Part L 8vo. London. 1825. FORBES, WILLIAM. Institutes of the Law of Scotland. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1722-30. . The Law of Election of Members of Parliament for Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1710. A Treatise of Church Lands and Tithes. Svo. Edinburgh. 1705. . A Methodical Treatise concerning Bills of Ex- change. 2d ed. Svo. Edinburgh. 1718. Forbes on Bills, was a work of great merit, and embraced most of the Continental learning on the subject, but the Law of Bills and Notes, so far as it depends on Scotch decisions, was founded since his time. Thomp. on Bills, Pref. 11 ; Reddie's Mar. Conv. 464. The Duty and Powers of Justices of Peace in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1707-08 e . A Journal of the Session; containing the Deci- sions of the Lords of Council and Session, from February, 1705, to 1713. fol. Edinburgh. 1714. 317