Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/330

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FOR FORGERY. The Law of Forgery, including the Alterations effected by the late Act, 1 Will. IV. c. 66 ; together with the Act, and explanatory Notes, Forms of Indictments, and the Evi- dence in support of each Indictment. 12mo. London. 1831.

FORM of a Lease for Farms, with Covenants adapted particularly to most Soils in the County of Norfolk, and may be found useful in other Parts of the Kingdom ; with various Observations thereon ; addressed to Agriculturists in general. By a Norfolk Landowner. 8vo. liOndon. 1830. of Procedure in the House of Lords, upon Appeals from Scotland, comprising the Forms and Regulations to be observed by the Scottish Agents ; with an Appendix, &c. Svo. Edinburgh. 1821. FORMS OF ECCLESIASTICAL LAW; or the Mode of Con- ducting Suits in the Consistory Courts ; being a Translation of the First Part of Oughton's Ordo Judiciorum, with lasge Additions from Clarke's Praxis, Conset on Practice, Ayliffe's Parerergon, Cockburn's Clerk's Assistant, Gibson's Codex, &c. 2d ed. By James T. Law. 8vo. London. of Incidental and Summary Petitions before the Court of Session, with Interlocutors and Procedure particularly relating to them. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1792. of Petitions on Summary Proceedings before the Court of Session, Svo, Edinburgh. 1831. Forms in plain Latin of the several Writs issued from His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, Svo. Edinburgh. 1729, FORREST, R. Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer, from M. 'J', to T. T. 41 Geo. Ill, Svo. London. Part I. 1802. The volume was never completed. FORRESTER, ALEXANDER. See Chancery Cases tempore Talbot ; and Hovendeii's Supplement. FORSTER, R. W. E, The Copyhold and Customary Tenure, Commutation, Enfranchisement, and Improvement Acts, 4 & 5 Vict, c. 35, and 6 & 7 Vict. ; with all the Forms and Tables, printed by the Copyhold Commissioners, and an Introduction, Notes and Index. 12mo. London. 1843. 318