Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/342

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GEY GEORGE, J. A Treatise on the Offence of Libel, with a Dis- quisition at large on the Rights, Benefits, and proper Boundaries of Political Discussion. 8vo. London. 1812. This is both a practical and theoretical treatise. The author first shows what the Law of Libel is, and then discusses its errors and defects, and shows what it ought to be. "Too much praise cannot be given to him for the liberality of the principles which pervade it, and we heartily wish that all lawyers had written and spoken a language as constitutional as he does throughout his volume." 73 Month. Rev. 164; 22 Edin. Rev. 73; 9 Port Folio, 184. GEORGIA DECISIONS. Decisions of the Superior Courts of the State of Georgia, during the years 1842 and 43. 2 vols. 8vo. Augusta. 1843-44. " There is no Supreme Court in Georgia, and the Reports of this State are collections of Decisions made by the Judges upon the various Cir- cuits where each Judge is independent of the others. The Legislature, in 1841, passed an Act, which makes it the duty of the Clerks of the Superior Courts, to send the originaiS of the Decisions of the Judges, after entering them upon the minutes of the Court, to the Governor, who is required annually to have the same printed and published in pamphlet form, when of general interest to the people. These " Georgia Deci- sions" are the first fruits of the Act of 1841, and from the circum- stances under which they were made, they are somewhat discordant, and some of them novel." See Charktons Reports, ante. GERAHTY, JAMES. A Letter to Lord Cottenham, lately Lord Chancellor of England, on the Jus Sxigdenianum, as delivered in the Irish Chancery, in Jan. and Feb. 1843, and lately reported by Messrs. Drury & Warren. 8vo. London. 1845. GETZ, GEORGE. A General Collection of Precedents in Con- veyancing, in which examples are given in sufficient variety to enable the Scrivener, Conveyancer, and Man of Business, to draw Instruments of writing legally and correctly ; including many Forms particularly useful to the Farmer, Mechanic, and Trader. 3d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia. This book belongs to the same class as " Every Man his Own Law- yer." It contains a Defining Vocabulary, an account of which may be seen in 3 Western L, J. 140. GEYER, H. S. A Digest of the Statutes of Missouri, to which is appended a Form Book, and some Acts of Congress and Docu- 330