Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/343

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GIB ments orisinatingf under the Colonial Government of Spain. 8vo. St. Louis. 1817. GIBAULT, M. Guide de I'Avocat, ou Essais d'lnstruction pour les Jeunes gens qui se Deslinent a cetle Profession. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1814. GIBBON, EDWARD. A Survey of the Civil Law; with Notes by Professor Hugo; translated from the German, by W. Gardi- ner. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1824. This is the 44th Chapter of Gibbon's " Decline and Fall of the I?oman Empire," re-printed and annotated. There are several French editions, one corrected and enlarged by Professor Warnkoenig, 8vo., Liege, 1821. It is a most masterly historical outline of the Civil Law, and is univer- sally held in high esteem. 1 Brown's Civil Law, Pref. 2; Irving's Civ. Law, 188; Hoff. Leg. Stud, 521; Warren's Law Stu. 864, n. GIBBONS, D. A Manual of the Law of Fixtures. 12mo. Lon- don. 1836. See Law Library. . Lex Temporis ; a Treatise on the Law of Limita- tion and Prescription. 12mo. London. 1835. . The Law of Dilapidations and Nuisances. 8vo. London. 1839. " Of this work, as a whole, we are bound to speak favourably, though it is impossible not to feel, and that often, that the style of the author is seldom precise, and sometimes even loose." 3 M. L. M. 89. GIBBS, GEORGE. The Judicial Chronicle; being a List of the Judges of the Courts of Common Law and Chancery in England and America, and of the contemporary Reports from the earliest period of the Reports to the present time. 8vo. Cambridge. 1834. GIBBS, SAMUEL. Practical Instructions for suffering the most usual Common Recoveries, at the Bar of the Court of Common Pleas. 8vo. London. 1821. GIBSON, EDMUND. Codex Juris Ecclesiasti .inglicani; or, the Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubrics and Articles of the Church of England, (fee. ; with a Commentary, Historical and Juridical. 2d ed. enlarged. 2 vols. fol. London. 17G1. Gibson's Codex is a learned, and authoritative work. 3 Brod. & Bing. 36, 259; 3 Bing. 254 ; (8) 539: 1 Blk. Com. c. II. 331