Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/363

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GRI GRIFFITH, EDWARD. A Collection of Ancient Records, relat- ing to the Borough of Huntington ; with Observations illustrative of the History of Parliamentary Boroughs in general. 8vo. Lon- don. 1827. . Cases of supposed Exemption from Poor Rates, claimed on the ground of Extra Parochialily ; with a Preliminary Sketch of the Ancient History of the Parish of St. Andrew, Ilolborn. 8vo. London. 1830. GRIFFITH, CAPT. Military Law, Proceedings of Courts Mar- tial, &c. 12mo. London. 1841. GRIFFITH, WILLIAM. Annual Law Register of the United States, vols. HI. & IV. 8vo. Burlington. 1822. This was the first and is the only attempt that has yet been made in our country, to give a general comparative view of local law, peculiar to each State, and its variations from the English Common Law. Such a labor, if performed once every ten years, would be inestimable. The author proposed, in the first and second volumes, to have embraced all that pertained to Federal Jurisprudence, but want of patronage in the undertaking, at first, and finally death, prevented the accomplishment of his useful design. The published volumes were of great and universal practical value when they first appeared, but are now, in part, obsolete, from the continuous changes in State Legislation, though they still retain an historical importance that no time can diminish. HofT. Leg. Stu. 574 ; Pref. Du Ponceau on Jurisd. 27 ; 23 A. J. 136. . The Jurisdiction and Proceedings of Justices of the Peace, in Civil Suits, in New Jersey; with an Appendix, containing Advice to Executors, Administrators, and Guardians. 3d ed. 8vo. Burlington. 1813. . Eumenes ; being an Essay, in 53 numbers, writ- ten for the purpose of exhibiting some of the most prominent Errors and Omissions of the Constitution of New Jersey, as established July 2, 1776. 8vo. Trenton. 1799. GRIGOR, ALEXANDER. A Treatise on the Game Laws of Scotland ; with an Appendix of Forms, Statutes, &c. 8vo. Edin- burgh. "His book is clearly and well written. The decisions are quoted shortly, and yet sufficiently at length to convey their import. There is no pretension to book-making, by engrossing whole reports from the books of decisions " 2 Ed. L. J. 426. 351